Since Poisson & Son’s Auto Care started advertising with Uncle Andy’s Digest in 2016, we have watched our business continuously grow with many new customers, local and outside L/A.  Several who weren’t even aware we existed. 

Our Uncle Andy’s Digest Marketing Specialist explained to us how to best market and brand our auto and fuel services to the more than 21,000 monthly readers of the digest.  He was correct!  Our business has steadily grown more than 100% over the years and continues to exceed our expectations.  

We thank the Uncle Andy’s Digest team for helping us reach out to our customers, older and new alike. 

Final words;  It Works!

Dan & Don Poisson

Proprietors, Poisson & Son's Auto Care

Gerry Gagne & Mike Peters

Owners, Mac's Grill

Community Credit Union has been using Uncle Andy’s Digest for advertising since their very first issue, back in 1996. We have found it to be a valuable and irreplaceable part of our marketing plan.
Just from observation in our lobbies – we get Uncle Andy’s Digest delivered to us and within 5-10 days our supply is depleted. This tells us that people LOVE reading the Digest.
On a personal note (Jen), when we go out to eat with our families our husbands and children always grab a copy and look through it while we’re waiting for our food. My daughter, who’s 2½, even likes to look through it… it’s no joke that we went to Youly’s for breakfast one morning and she refused to leave the restaurant without taking her copy of UAD with her.

Jennifer Hogan

CEO, Community Credit Union

Over the years, we have used several advertising mediums including radio, newspaper, magazines and even direct mail. None of them have pulled their weight like Uncle Andy’s has. We’ve been advertising with UAD for 11+ years, never missing a month! We’ve had great success and have found that UAD is a great value for the amount of exposure we receive. It seems everywhere we go we hear, “I saw your ad in the Digest!” A great example: We recently met with a lady to book a large catering event. When we arrived I asked how she heard about us, she pulls out our full page ad she had taken out of the Digest! We also enjoy the personal service they give us. The crew at UAD is looking out for our best interest and we trust them emphatically with creating our ads. I would recommend advertising in the Digest to any business. It’s THE place to be! They have truly shown us how consistent marketing is the only way to go.

Diana & Larry Roy

Owners, Dad's Place

Smile Again Dentures has used several forms of advertising over the years. Using Uncle Andy’s Digest has proven to give us the best bang for our buck. It did so early and often and still does to this day. We like the fact that people pick up the Digest and hang on to it. A lot of people that might see or hear a commercial on TV or the radio and it’s forgotten almost immediately. Uncle Andy’s hangs around all month and we know our ad is seen over and over throughout the month. People from all walks of life come in regularly and mention seeing our ad in the Digest. We hear all the time how our clients like seeing the father and son team.
Working with the Uncle Andy’s staff is easy and we really enjoy the extra stuff they do to promote our business! We believe any business spending money on advertising should be spending it with Uncle Andy’s Digest.

Joe & Mike Adkins

Owners, Smile Again Dentures

When I was first approached by Uncle Andy’s Digest I was unsure about advertising in a publication that wasn’t a Real Estate publication or a conventional newspaper. I tried it for a month and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made!
Every time my ad runs the phone starts ringing. Customers tell me that they picked up an Uncle Andy’s Digest, read my ad and said “I should call her.” This is the result I am looking for when I advertise.

The cost of advertising in Uncle Andy’s Digest is affordable and service is excellent. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Debbie Bodwell

Vice President, Residential Mortgage Services Inc.

Gerry Gagne & Mike Peters

Owners, Mac's Grill

Community Credit Union has been using Uncle Andy’s Digest for advertising since their very first issue, back in 1996. We have found it to be a valuable and irreplaceable part of our marketing plan.
Just from observation in our lobbies – we get Uncle Andy’s Digest delivered to us and within 5-10 days our supply is depleted. This tells us that people LOVE reading the Digest.
On a personal note (Jen), when we go out to eat with our families our husbands and children always grab a copy and look through it while we’re waiting for our food. My daughter, who’s 2½, even likes to look through it… it’s no joke that we went to Youly’s for breakfast one morning and she refused to leave the restaurant without taking her copy of UAD with her.

Jennifer Hogan

CEO, Community Credit Union

Over the years, we have used several advertising mediums including radio, newspaper, magazines and even direct mail. None of them have pulled their weight like Uncle Andy’s has. We’ve been advertising with UAD for 11+ years, never missing a month! We’ve had great success and have found that UAD is a great value for the amount of exposure we receive. It seems everywhere we go we hear, “I saw your ad in the Digest!” A great example: We recently met with a lady to book a large catering event. When we arrived I asked how she heard about us, she pulls out our full page ad she had taken out of the Digest! We also enjoy the personal service they give us. The crew at UAD is looking out for our best interest and we trust them emphatically with creating our ads. I would recommend advertising in the Digest to any business. It’s THE place to be! They have truly shown us how consistent marketing is the only way to go.

Diana & Larry Roy

Owners, Dad's Place

Smile Again Dentures has used several forms of advertising over the years. Using Uncle Andy’s Digest has proven to give us the best bang for our buck. It did so early and often and still does to this day. We like the fact that people pick up the Digest and hang on to it. A lot of people that might see or hear a commercial on TV or the radio and it’s forgotten almost immediately. Uncle Andy’s hangs around all month and we know our ad is seen over and over throughout the month. People from all walks of life come in regularly and mention seeing our ad in the Digest. We hear all the time how our clients like seeing the father and son team.
Working with the Uncle Andy’s staff is easy and we really enjoy the extra stuff they do to promote our business! We believe any business spending money on advertising should be spending it with Uncle Andy’s Digest.

Joe & Mike Adkins

Owners, Smile Again Dentures

When I was first approached by Uncle Andy’s Digest I was unsure about advertising in a publication that wasn’t a Real Estate publication or a conventional newspaper. I tried it for a month and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made!
Every time my ad runs the phone starts ringing. Customers tell me that they picked up an Uncle Andy’s Digest, read my ad and said “I should call her.” This is the result I am looking for when I advertise.

The cost of advertising in Uncle Andy’s Digest is affordable and service is excellent. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Debbie Bodwell

Vice President, Residential Mortgage Services Inc.